Thursday, 16 May 2013

How to Download YouTube Video on Mac

You can probably find any video you want on YouTube. But what if you need that video often and even when there is no Internet connection available? Or the video can be removed from YouTube for numerous reasons. To keep the video for yourself even when it's gone from YouTube use an OS X YouTube Downloader.

There are several methods you can use to extract video from YouTube on Mac: with the help of add-ons of web browsers, with online services, with the help of YouTube downloaders Mac apps.

Here is how to save YouTube videos with each of those methods in brief.

Extract video from YouTube with Safari browser.

Open the page with the video in Safari and start playing it. Then press Command-Option-A and Safari "Activity" window will open. There you'll see the name of the video with "youtube" ending. See which entry of several megabytes is loading and option-double-click it so it will download as FLV file. No other software is needed for this method but it takes time for video to be processed completely and it doesn't work for Safari 6.

Extract videos from YouTube with online apps

You can find lots of sources on the Internet that will promise to save YouTube videos to your computer. Simply do some alterations to the video link and after that web browser will parse the link and should be able to save the video right to your hard disk. These services have a disadvantage though: lots of pop-ups or ads, no visualization of the download process, and sometimes just an error message instead of the anticipated video.

Let's have a look at Elmedia Player as an example. It's not only a player as it may seem from the name, but also a powerful YouTube downloader for Mac OS X (when in PRO version). Elmedia Player PRO costs $ 19.95 and offers all possible benefits of a multi-format player as well as HD YouTube downloader for Mac. Not only will you be able to download YouTube videos, but also various online videos including those on streaming RTMP.

How to extract YouTube videos on Mac with Elmedia Player PRO:

  • Download simple free version of Elmedia Player from here, install it, and launch.
  • In Elmedia Player menu choose "Activate PRO version" option and enter the code that you received by email after purchasing the app.
  • Add the link to the desired video to Elmedia Player PRO to see the Downloads list being filled with all resources found at that link. Switch the filter to "video" to see the FLV files that can be downloaded from that address.
  • Choose the needed file and click "Download". The video will be saved into directory you specified in Elmedia Player PRO preferences. You can also find the file in the Library.  

1 comment:

  1. What I like in apps like this is that the file is named according to YouTube title and not as some inexplicable URL as with online downloaders.
